Friday, September 18, 2015

Clarisse Mcclellan's Last Words: The Key to a Lovely Life (Editorial by Clare McKernan)

One word: Beauty.

There's beauty in the world and rarely is anyone noticing it. The moon, the sun, the air, the nature; all ignored because of society's brainwashed by technology.
Every night I stand on my street corner and stare up into the sky. You all may look up into that same late night sky, and will see pitch black and complete darkness, a blank space with no atmosphere. I also see the darkness, But admire it, imagining beyond it. I see galaxies, I see Jupiter, I see mars. I see the visible stars and think, "Wow, is that fire? Is that a planet?" and it completely mesmerizes me.
And I think that's why our society does not let its people read books. I think they're scared. They're scared that we might lose focus of what's real in the universe; that our imaginations may take over, and to that I say so be it. Bringing imagination into real life would make living a lot more tolerable.
And the more I try to pull my point across the large groups of people in this world, the more I get called crazy, insane, and unreasonable. People are scared to have the same curiosity and cheerfulness that I have. I invite everyone to enter my way of thinking.
Start by looking at the ground, observe colors and textures, touch the floor to see how it feels on the tips of your fingers. Begin to question its existence, why its there, why its necessary. If you can't do that, make it up from what you think is logical, or even illogical. I love the grass, the autumn leaves withered into a brown, and the sight of bloomed yellow dandelions, and putting them under my chin to know if I'm in love.
My family makes me see a psychiatrist and I make a point to makeup things to say. He calls me regular, because of my lies I spill to conform and get him away, but I am anything but that of others in this society. And you, my fellow people, should also refuse to be anything but extraordinary, because you may lose sight of the wonders of the world.


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