Sunday, September 20, 2015

Clare McKernan Collage #2

Obituary For Clarisse McClellan

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16 Year Old Clarisse McClellen Put To Death on Sunday

"She was a time bomb"
"She didn't want to know how things were done, but why"

Clarisse McClellan lived a life much different from anyone else in our society. She was a threat, a non realistic being who refused to follow the laws of our nation. She spent her days picking flowers and dreaming on front porches on homes; speaking of things that would only make sense in the most fiction of books. The government took her away and she was pronounced dead only hours later. Her family has reportedly moved away from there residence across the street from fireman Guy Montang. There have been no funeral preparations announced for the young girl put to eternal rest, but take this as a fair warning. Follow the rules of where you are from, this is exactly where NONSENSE leads you.

Collage #1 Clare McKernan

PARLOR WALLS (advertisement by Clare McKernan)


Parlor Walls!

Newest state of the art technology available to every household willing to buy! Enjoy a whole wall of television entertainment for everyone in your home to enjoy!
"Its oh so wonderful! My husband bought 3 walls for our house, and I am slowly convincing him to buy the fourth. This is the best thing since seashells!" - Mildred Montang
A wall can be yours for a very affordable price; they are said to be only about 1/3 of a fireman's yearly salary! Call now for information.

COLLAGE 2 by Daisy Carr

COLLAGE by Daisy Carr

Friday, September 18, 2015

WANTED: GUY MONTAG (wanted poster by Daisy Carr)

               WANTED: GUY MONTAG

                      DEAD OR ALIVE
                                   Image result for guy montag                  

Firefighter Guy Montag wanted for stealing and hiding books. His home is burnt so don't waste your time checking there. He is on the run. Catch him before skipping town. Bounty: $4,500!